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Carlos de la Fuente, Machado A., Kunzler M., Carpes F. Winter School on sEMG signal processing: an initiative to reduce educational gaps and promote engagement of physiotherapists and movement scientists with science. Front. Neurol. https://doi.org/10.3389/fneur.2020.00509  

Cruz-Montecinos C, Cuesta-Vargas A., Muñoz C., Ellsworth J., Carlos de la Fuente. Impact of Visual Biofeedback of Trunk Sway Smoothness on Motor Learning during Unipedal Stance. Sensors. https://doi.org/10.3390/s20092585     

Carlos de la Fuente, Rony Silvestre, Baechler P., Gemigniani A., Grunewaldt K., Vassiliu M., Wodehouse V., Carpes F. Intra-Session Real-Time Ultrasonography Feedback Improves the Quality of Transverse Abdominis Contraction. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmpt.2019.10.017

Carlos de la Fuente, Henriquez H., Fuentealba A, Peña y Lillo R., Ramirez-Campilo R. The velocity of countermovement jump improve the performance jump in healthy athletes. Sport Scientific and Practical Aspects International Scientific Journal of Kinesiology. 

Pincheira P., Martinez-Valdes E., Carlos de la Fuente, Felipe Palma, Oscar Valencia, Gunther Redenz, Rodrigo Guzmán-Venegas. Quantifying Topographical Changes in Muscle Activation: A Statistical Parametric Mapping Approach. Proceedings. https://doi.org/10.3390/proceedings2020049071

Ramirez-Campillo, Pereira, Andrade, Mendez-Rebolledo, Carlos de la Fuente, Sepulveda, Pinillos, Freitas, Loturco. Tapering strategies applied to plyometric jump training: a systematic review with meta-analysis of randomized-controlled trials. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. https://doi.org/10.23736/S0022-4707.20.11128-9

Jose Priego-Quesada, Carlos de la Fuente, Marcos Kunzler, Pedro Perez-soriano, David Hervas-Marin, Felipe Carpes. Relationship between Skin Temperature, Electrical Manifestations of Muscle Fatigue, and Exercise-Induced Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness for Dynamic Contractions: A Preliminary Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17186817

Luz Perez-Trejo, Gomez-Salazar, Sonia Osorio, Felipe Carpes, Carlos de la Fuente. Electromyographic analysis of trunk muscle activity during the Paralympic shot put. ENTRAMADO. 

Carlos de la Fuente, Liver Priato, Roberto Peña-Lillo, Andrés Fuentealba, Hugo Henriquez, Felipe Carpes. Association between clinical measurement variables, and impact and elastic index in jumping: Principal components analysis. Revista archivos de la sociedad chilena de medicina del deporte.

María Fernanda Calvo, Valencia, O., González, JP., Palma, F., Mella, W., & Cárcamo, M. Cinemática de tronco durante la marcha en pacientes con ictus: revisión sistemática. Rehabilitación. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rh.2020.09.006

Cristóbal Moënne-Loccoz, Carolina Astudillo-Valenzuela, Skovgård, K., Salazar-Reyes, C. A., Barrientos, S. A., García-Núñez, X. P., Cenci, M. A., Petersson, P., & Fuentes-Flores, R. A. Cortico-striatal oscillations are correlated to motor activity levels in both physiological and parkinsonian conditions. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnsys.2020.00056

Felipe Contreras-Briceño; Oscar Araneda; Ginés Viscor. Oxygenation of respiratory and locomotor muscles during maximal exercise in two marathon runners. Archivos de Medicina del Deporte

Felipe Contreras-Briceño; Maximiliano Espinosa-Ramirez; Ginés Viscor; Oscar Araneda. Humidity prevents the exercise-induced formation of hydrogen peroxide and nitrite in exhaled breath condensate in recreational cyclists. European Journal of Applied Physiology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00421-020-04456-9

Tiziana Fernandez; Felipe Contreras-Briceño; Maximiliano Espinosa; Patricio García; Antonio López; Arnoldo Riquelme; Juan Pablo Arab; Daniel Cabrera; Marco Arrese; Francisco Barrera. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and sarcopenia: pathophysiological connections and therapeutic implications. Expert Review of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. https://doi.org/10.1080/17474124.2020.1810563

Felipe Contreras-Briceño; Yenny Villaseca; Gregory Villarroel; Gonzalo Moscoso; Magdalena Chamorro; Natalia Nicoletti; Macarena Espinoza; Patricio García; Tiziana Fernández; Cynthia Rojas. Clinical reasoning in kinesiology by case-based learning. ARS Médica Revista de Ciencias Médicas. https://doi.org/10.11565/arsmed.v45i2.1648

Patricio García; Antonio López; Juan Pablo Gonzalez; Megan Townley; Rachelle Bartolotti; Antonio Pinedo; Maximiliano Espinosa; Cynthia Rojas; Tiziana Fernandez; Alejandro Brhun; Felipe Contreras-Briceño. Oxigenación muscular respiratoria evaluada a través de Near Infrared Spectroscopy Device durante la prueba de ventilación espontánea. Revista Chilena de Medicina Intensiva

Felipe Contreras-Briceño; Oscar Araneda; Ginés Viscor. Swimming and respiratory system: Impact of exercise on pro-oxidants production and lung function. Medicine & Science in Sports and Exercise. https://doi.org/10.1249/01.mss.0000678104.76655.75

Gustavo Torres, Ignacio Villagrán*, Javiera Fuentes, Eduardo Fuentes, Juan Pablo Araya, Chantal Jouannet. Interactive virtual scenarios as a technological resource to improve musculoskeletal clinical reasoning skills of undergraduate physiotherapy students. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice. https://doi.org/10.1080/09593985.2020.1809043

Javiera Fuentes-Cimma, Ignacio Villagrán, Gustavo Torres, Claudio Chamorro, Arnoldo Riquelme. Evaluación para el aprendizaje: diseño e implementación de un mini-CEX en el internado profesional de la carrera de kinesiología. Ars Medica Revista de Ciencias Médicas. https://doi.org/10.11565/arsmed.v45i3.1683

Constanza Miranda, Fernando Altermatt, Ignacio Villagrán, Julián Goñi. Developing an Innovative Medical Training Simulation Device for Peripheral Venous Access: A User-Centered Design Approach. Healthcare. https://doi.org/10.3390/healthcare8040420

Patricio Barañao, Ignacio Villagrán*, José Moya, Paz Jeldes, Fernanda Calvo, Eduardo Fuentes-Lopez, Salesa Barja. Aprendizaje interprofesional en los internados de las carreras de la salud del Hospital Josefina Martínez. Ars Medica Revista de Ciencias Médicas. https://doi.org/10.11565/arsmed.v45i4.1690

Karol Ramírez-Parada; Williams Mella-Abarca; Rodrigo Fernández-Verdejo; Nicolás Pereira-Covarrubias. Concordancia entre el Perímetro y la Medición de Perímetros en la Estimación del Volumen del Miembro Superior. Kinesiología (2020) 39(2):56-60

Williams Mella Abarca, Valentina Barraza-Sánchez, Karol Ramírez-Parada. Sistema de selección de sistemas elastocompresivos en personas con cáncer de mama de un hospital con recursos limitados: Selection system for compression garments in people with breast cancer in a resource-limited hospital. ARS MEDICA Revista de Ciencias Médicas. https://doi.org/10.11565/arsmed.v45i4.1692

Williams Mella Abarca, Valentina Barraza-Sánchez, Karol Ramírez-Parada. Model of telerehabilitation for people with breast cancer during the COVID-19 pandemic in Chile. Ecancer medical science. https://doi.org/10.3332/ecancer.2020.1085

Felipe Damiani, Alejandro Bruhn, Jaime Retamal, Guillermo Bugedo. Patient-ventilator dyssynchronies: Are they all the same? A clinical classification to guide actions. Journal of Critical Care. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcrc.2020.07.016

Felipe Damiani, Yorschua Jalil, Sebastián Dubo. Disfunción Diafragmática en Ventilación Mecánica: Evaluación e Implicancias Clínicas. Kinesiología (2020) 39(2)

Dubo S, Oviedo V, Garcia A, Alegría L, García P, Valenzuela ED, Damiani LF, Araos J, Medina T, Bachmann MC, Basoalto R, Bravo S, Soto D, Cruces P, Guzmán P, Retamal J, Cornejo R, Bugedo G, Brebi P, Bruhn A. Low Spontaneous Breathing Effort during Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation in a Porcine Model of Severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. Anesthesiology. https://doi.org/10.1097/ALN.0000000000003538

Luca Bastia, Doreen Engelberts, Kohei Osada, Bhushan H. Katira, L. Felipe Damiani, Takeshi Yoshida, Lu Chen, Niall D. Ferguson, Marcelo B. P. Amato, Martin Post, Laurent Brochard*, Brian P. Kavanagh*. Role of PEEP and Regional Transpulmonary Pressure in Asymmetrical Lung Injury. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. https://doi.org/10.1164/rccm.202005-1556OC

Michael. C. Sklar, Fabiana Madotto, Michela Rauseo, Ibrahim Soliman, L. Felipe Damiani, Irene Telias, Sebastian Dubo, Lu Chen, Nuttapol Rittayamai, Gong.-Qiang. Chen, Ewan C. Goligher,  Martin Dres, Remi Coudroy, Tai Pham M.D., Ricard M. Artigas, Jan O. Friedrich,  Christer Sinderby, Leo Heunks, Laurent Brochard. Duration of diaphragmatic inactivity after endotracheal intubation of critically ill patients. Critical Care. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13054-020-03435-y

Gregory Villarroel S., Macarena Faúndez S., Gonzalo Moscoso A, Yorschua Jalil C., Claudia Astudillo M. Entrenamiento sobre cinta rodante en niños con enfermedades respiratorias crónicas. Serie clínica Revista Chilena de Enfermedades Respiratorias. Vol. 36 Núm. 2. http://dx.doi.org/10.4067/S0717-73482020000200109 

Rodrigo Fernández-Verdejo, Mauricio Castro-Sepulveda, Juan Gutiérrez, Lorena Malo-Vintimilla, Antonio López-Fuenzalida, Pablo Olmos, José L Santos, José E Galgani. Direct Relationship Between Metabolic Flexibility Measured During Glucose Clamp and Prolonged Fast in Men. Obesity

Véliz, C., Fuentes‐Cimma, J., Fuentes‐López, E., & Riquelme, A. Adaptation, psychometric properties, and implementation of the Mini‐CEX in dental clerkship. Journal of Dental Education. https://doi.org/10.1002/jdd.12462


  • De la Fuente C, Weinstein A, Guzman-Venegas R, Arenas J, Cartes J, Soto M, Carpes FP. Use of accelerometers for automatic regional chest movement recognition during tidal breathing in healthy subjects. J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 2019;47:105-112. doi: 10.1016/j.jelekin.2019.05.016.
  • De la Fuente C, Henriquez H, Andrade D C, Yañez A . Running Footwear with Custom Insoles for Pressure Distribution are Appropriate to Diminish Impacts After Shin Splints, Asian J Sports Med. Online ahead of Print ; In Press(In Press):e82461. doi: 10.5812/asjsm.82461.
  • Chamorro C, De la Fuente C, Rubio J, Chirosa Ríos L. Absolute reliability and concurrent validity of a novel electromechanical pulley dynamometer for measuring shoulder rotation isometric strength in asymptomatic subjects. Study conducted at Pontificia Universidad Católica, Santiago, Chile. Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association. 2019; 69(7).


  • San Martín-Mohr C, Cristi-Sánchez I, Pincheira PA, Reyes A, Berral FJ, Oyarzo C. Knee sensorimotor control following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: A comparison between reconstruction techniques. PLoS One. 2018 Nov 15;13(11):e0205658
  • Araos J, Alegria L, Garcia P, Cruces P, Soto D, Erranz B, Amthauer M, Salomon T, Medina T, Rodriguez F, Ayala P, Borzone GR, Meneses M, Damiani F, Retamal J, Cornejo R, Bugedo G, Bruhn A. Near-Apneic Ventilation Decreases Lung Injury and Fibroproliferation in an ARDS Model with ECMO. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2018 Sep 14
  • Gabrielli L, Herrera S, Contreras-Briceño F, Vega J, Ocaranza MP, Yáñez F, Fernández R, Saavedra R, Sitges M, García L, Chiong M, Lavandero S, Castro PF. Increased active phase atrial contraction is related to marathon runner performance. Eur J Appl Physiol 2018;118(9):1931-1939
  • Araneda OF, Contreras-Briceño F, Cavada G, Viscor G. Swimming versus running: effects on exhaled breath condensate pro-oxidants and pH. Eur J Appl Physiol 2018;118(11):2319-2329
  • Julián Vega, Felipe Contreras-Briceño, Rodrigo Saavedra, Rodrigo Fernández, Sebastián Herrera, Manuel Salinas, Paz Godoy, María Paz Ocaranza, Jorge Jalil, Sergio Lavandero, Mario Chiong, Pablo Castro, Roberto Urzúa, Mario Muñoz, Ricardo Zalaquett, Luigi Gabrielli. High-intensity training in marathon runners increases cardiac remodeling and diminishes oxidative stress response. Rev Chil Cardiol 2018;37(2):93-103
  • Villagrán I, Tejos R, Chahuan J, Uslar T, Pizarro M, Varas J, Achurra P, Leiva I, Nazar C, Sirhan M, Uribe J, Ruz C, Villafranca C, Soza R, Solís N, Fuentes-López E, Padilla O, Corvetto M, Riquelme A. Percepción de estudiantes de pregrado de Medicina de talleres de simulación de procedimientos médico-quirúrgicos. Rev Med Chil 2018;146(6):786-795
  • Ignacio Villagrán-Gutiérrez, Javiera Ortega-Bastidas, Sebastián González-Brevis, Luis Marín-Gutiérrez, Javier Martínez-Burgos, Katherine Miranda-Contreras, Anton Pulpeiro-Silva, Javiera Fuentes-Cimma. Razonamiento clínico inductivo o deductivo: una propuesta cualitativa en Kinesiología. ARS MEDICA Rev Ciencias Médicas 2018;43(1):12-19
  • Tejos R, Chahuán J, Uslar T, Inzunza M, Villagrán I, Riquelme V, Padilla O, Pizarro M, Corvetto M, Varas J, Riquelme A. Simulated training program in abdominal paracentesis for undergraduate medical students. Gastroenterol Hepatol 2018 Nov 21
  • Jeldes-Diaz P, González-Cifuentes T, Villagrán Gutiérrez IFouillioux-Schalscha C, Márquez-Espinoza C, Fuentes-López E, Jouannet-Valderrama Ch. ARS MEDICA Rev Ciencias Médicas 2018 (en prensa)
  • Ramírez-Parada K, Courneya KS, Muñiz S, Sánchez C, Fernández-Verdejo R. Physical activity levels and preferences of patients with breast cancer receiving chemotherapy in Chile. Support Care Cancer 2018 (en prensa)
  • Brenda Fuenzalida, Margarita Pizarro, Javiera Fuentes, Cristóbal San Martín, Viviana Rojas, Antonio López-Fuenzalida, Oslando Padilla y Arnoldo Riquelme. Percepción del ambiente educacional en estudiantes de pregrado de la carrera de Kinesiología: metodología mixta. EducMed 2018
  • Marisol Barros-Poblete, Rodrigo Torres-Castro, Yenny Villaseca Rojas, Cristián Ríos Munita, Homero Puppo, Iván Rodríguez-Núñez, Claudio Torres Tapia, Javiera Rosales-Fuentes, Juan Eduardo Romero, Roberto Vera-Uribe, Fernando Bustamante, Gonzalo Hidalgo Soler, Alejandra Jimenez. Consenso Chileno de Técnicas de Kinesiología Respiratoria en Pediatría. Neumol Pediatr 2018;13(4):137-148
  • De la Fuente C, Chamorro C, Ramírez-Campillo R, Araya JP, Torres G, Yañez A. Could recreational soccer players recover single-leg heel raise performance 12-weeks after Achilles tenorrhaphy through immediate rehabilitation?. Physiotherapy Practice and Research 2018;39(2):125-134
  • Serón P, Gaete M, Oliveros MJ, Román C, Lanas F, Velásquez M, Reveco R, Bustos L, Rojas R. Cost-Effectiveness of Exercise-Based Cardiac Rehabilitation in Chilean Patients Surviving Acute Coronary Syndrome. J Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev 2018 Aug 27
  • Valdés-Badilla PA, Gutiérrez-García C, Pérez-Gutiérrez M, Vargas-Vitoria R, López-Fuenzalida A. Effects of Physical Activity Governmental Programs on Health Status in Independent Older Adults: A Systematic Review. J Aging Phys Act 2018;Nov 13:1-11
  • Herrera-Valenzuela T, Zapata-Bastías J, Guajardo-Medrano M, Pons-Vargas G, Valdés-Badilla P, Ferreiras J, García-Hermoso A,López-Fuenzalida A, Franchino E. Can simulation tasks reproduce the taekwondo match physiological responses?. Archives of Budo 2018;14(1):25-31
  • Cerda Vega E, Jerez-Mayorga D, Machado Payer R, Campos Jara C, Guzman-Guzman I, Reyes Ponce A, Chirosa LJ. Validity and reliability of evaluating hip abductor strength using different normalization methods in a functional electromechanical device. PLoS One 2018 Aug 20;13(8):e0202248
  • Chamorro C, De la Fuente C, Jerez D, Campos C, Chirosa LJ. Reliability of Shoulder Rotators Isometric Strength Test using a Novel Pulley Electromechanical Dynamometer. Influence of the Assessment Position. Asian J Sports Med 2018 (In Press):e60406
  • Claudio Chamorro, Carlos De la Fuente, Daniel Jerez-Mayorga. The Size of Analysis: A Source of Error Affecting Reliability during Maximal Isometric Shoulder Rotation Strength Test-Retest. JOJ Nurse Health Care 2018;6(4): JOJNHC.MS.ID.555694
  • De la Fuente C, Pena y Lillo R, Chamorro C, Henriquez H, Ramirez-Campillo R. An Eight to Thirteen Hertz Cut-Off Low Pass Filter is More Appropriate to Treat Isoinertial Accelerometry Signals During Jumping. Asian J Sports Med 2018;9(3):10.5812
  • De la Fuente C, Cruz-Montencinos C, De la Fuente C, Pena y Lillo R, Chamorro C, Henriquez H. Early Short-Term Recovery of Single-Leg Heel Rise and ATRS After Achilles Tenorrhaphy: Cluster Analysis. Asian J Sports Med 2018;9(1):1-7
  • De la Fuente C, Martinez-Valdes E, Cruz-Montecinos C, Guzman-Venegas R, Arriagada D, Peña Y Lillo R, Henríquez H, Carpes FP.Changes in the ankle muscles co-activation pattern after 5 years following total ankle joint replacement. Clin Biomech 2018;59:130-135
  • C Chamorro, C De la Fuente, J Rubio, L Chirosa. Absolute reliability and concurrent validity of a novel electromechanical pulley dynamometer for measuring shoulder rotation isometric strength in asymptomatic subjects. Study conducted at Pontificia Universidad Católica, Santiago, Chile. J Pakistan Med Assoc 2018 (In press)
  • J Hernández-Martinez, D Cisterna, R Ramírez-Campillo, C Álvarez, F Guede-Rojas, C De La Fuente, M Castro-Sepúlveda, J Moran. Maximal voluntary isometric handgrip strength in chilean older adults and its relationship with age, sex and handedness. Rev Méd Ch 2018 (en prensa)
  • De la Fuente C, Martinez-Valdes E, Cruz-Montecinos C, Guzman-Venegas R, Arriagada D, Peña Y Lillo R, Henríquez H, Carpes FP. Changes in the ankle muscles co-activation pattern after 5 years following total ankle joint replacement. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). 2018;59:130-135.
  • De la Fuente C , Cruz-Montencinos C, Pena y Lillo R, Chamorro C, Henriquez H, Ramirez-Campillo R. An Eight to Thirteen Hertz Cut-Off Low Pass Filter is More Appropriate to Treat Isoinertial Accelerometry Signals During Jumping. Asian Journal of Sports Medicine (AsJSM). 2018; 9(3): 1-7.
  • De la Fuente C, Cruz-Montencinos C, De la Fuente C D, Peña y Lillo R P, Chamorro C, Henriquez H. Early Short-Term Recovery of Single-Leg Heel Rise and ATRS After Achilles Tenorrhaphy: Cluster Analysis. Asian J Sports Med. 2018; 9(1):e67661.
  • Hernández-Martinez J, Cisterna D, Ramíirez-Campillo R, Álvarez C, Guede-Rojas F, De La Fuente C, Castro-Sepúlveda C, Moran J. Maximal voluntary isometric handgrip strength in Chilean older adults and its relashionship with age, sex and handedness. Revista Médica de Chile. 2018; 146 (12): 1429-1437. http://dx.doi.org/10.4067/s0034-




  • Jalil Y., Damiani F., Astuillo C., Villarroel G., Barañao P., Bustos E., Silva A., Mendez M. Impact of a Noninvasive Ventilation Protocol in Hospitalized Children With Acute Respiratory Failure. Respiratory Care 2017. DOI:10.4187/respcare.05660.
  • Raul G. Escobar R.G., Munoz K.T., Dominguez A., Banados P., Bravo M.J. Maximal isometric muscle strength values obtained by hand-held dynamometry in children between 6 and 15 years of age. Muscle Nerve 55: 16–22, 2017. DOI: 10.1002/mus.2518
  • Yorschua Jalil C, Gregory Villarroel SGonzalo Moscoso A, Patricio Barañao G, Mireya Méndez R. Rol del kinesiólogo respiratorio en el proceso de alta domiciliaria en niños con ventilación mecánica prolongada, Neumol Pediatr 2017; 12 (4): 161 – 168
  • Claudio Chamorro, Susan Armijo-Olivo, Carlos De la FuenteJaviera Fuentes, Luis Javier Chirosa. Absolute reliability and concurrent validity of hand held dynamometry and isokinetic dynamometry in the hip, knee and ankle joint: systematic review and meta-analysis. Open Med. 2017; 12: 359-375
  • Carlos De la FuenteClaudio Chamorro. Eight to thirteen hertz cut-off low pass filter are most appropriate to treat countermovement jump isoinertial accelerometry signals at sacrum level in non-trained jumpers.Asian Journal of Sports Medicine. Accepted.
  • Carlos De la FuenteClaudio Chamorro. Early functional group detection based on Achilles tendon total rupture score and ability to perform one-leg heel raise after percutaneous Achilles tenorrhaphy.Asian Journal of Sports Medicine. Accepted.
  • Claudio ChamorroDominique Guidi, Fernando Yáñez, Gaston Chamorro. Factores determinantes de éxito de la rehabilitación cardiovascular en pacientes coronarios sometidos a revascularización miocárdica. Revista Chilena de Cardiología. Aceptado.
  • Samuel Duran, Hugo Sánchez, Macarena Valladares, Antonio López Fuenzalida, Pablo Valdes, Tomás Herrera. Actividad física y perfil de estilos de vida promotores de la salud en adultos mayores chilenos. Rev Med Chile. 2017; 145: 1533 – 1538.
  • De la Fuente C, Cruz-Montecinos C, Schimidt HL, Henríquez H, Ruidiaz S, Carpes FP. Biomechanical properties of different techniques used in vitro for suturing mid-substance Achilles tendon ruptures. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). 2017;50:78-83. doi: 10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2017.10.008.
  • De la Fuente C, Carreño G, Soto M, Marambio H, Henríquez H. Clinical failure after Dresden repair of mid-substance Achilles tendon rupture: human cadaveric testing. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc., 25(6):1849-1856, 2017. doi: 10.1007/s00167-016-4182-2
  • Cruz-Montecinos C, De la Fuente C, Rivera-Lillo G, Morales-Castillo S, Soto-Arellano V, Querol F, Perez-alenda S. Sensory strategies of postural sway during quiet stance in patients with haemophilic arthropathy. Haemophilia Haemophilia. 2017;23: e419–e426 doi: 10.111/hae.13297
  • Ramírez-Campillo R, Martínez C, De La Fuente CI, Cadore EL, Marques MC, Nakamura FY, Loturco I, Caniuqueo A, Cañas R, Izquierdo M. High-Speed Resistance Training in Older Women: The Role of Supervision. J Aging Phys Act.;25(1):1-9, 2017 doi: 10.1123/japa.2015-0122


  • De la Fuente C, Peña y Lillo R, Ramirez-Campillo R, Ortega-Auriol P, Delgado M, Alvarez J, Carreño G. Medial Gastrocnemius Myotendinous Junction Displacement and Plantar-Flexion Strength in Patients Treated With Immediate Rehabilitation After Achilles Tendon Repair. Journal of athletic training J Athl Train. 2016;51(12):1013-1021. doi:10.4085/1062-6050-51.12.23
  • De la Fuente C, Peña y Lillo R, Carreño G, Marambio H. Prospective randomized clinical trial of aggressive rehabilitation after acute Achilles tendon ruptures repaired with Dresden technique. 26:15-22, 2016. doi: 10.1016/j.foot.2015.10.003
  • De la Fuente C, Carreño-Zillmann G, Marambio H and Henríquez H. Is the Dresden technique a mechanical design of choice suitable for the repair of middle third Achilles tendon ruptures? A biomechanical study. Rev Esp Cir Ortop Traumatol, 60(5): 279-285, 2016. doi: 10.1016/j.recot.2016.06.004.
  • Ramírez-Campillo R, Vergara-Pedreros M, Henríquez-Olguín C, Martínez-Salazar C, Alvarez C, Nakamura FY, De La Fuente CI, Caniuqueo A, Alonso-Martinez AM,Izquierdo M. Effects of plyometric training on maximal-intensity exercise and endurance in male and female soccer players. J Sports Sci. 34(8): 687-93, 2016. doi: 10.1080/02640414.2015


  • De la Fuente CI, Carcuro G, Ramirez-Campillo R, Campos C, Soza F. Prosthetic wear in subjects with HINTEGRA total ankle joint replacement secondary to trauma in functional phase. Fisioterapia, 37:165-74, 2015.

  • De la Fuente CI, Henríquez H, Ramirez-Campillo R, Delgado M, Chamorro C, Ruidiaz S, Campos C, Carcuro G. Can Cushioned Shoes with Anatomical Insole Correct the Impact in Runners with Recurring Shin Splint?. J Exerc Sports Orthop, 2(1): 1-5, 2015.
    https://symbiosisonlinepublishing.com/exercise-sports-orthopedics/exercise-sports- orthopedics22.php

Otras Publicaciones


  • F Contreras-Briceño, Y Villaseca. Identificando problemas kinesiológicos en Kinesiología Cardiorrespiratoria: Aprendizaje Basado en Casos. 2018
  • Rodrigo Muñoz, Hernán Maureira, Paul Medina, Ramón Pinochet,Gregory Villarroel, Yorschua Jalil, Rafael Santander, Máximo Escobar. El movimiento del sistema ventilatorio en la función-disfunción humana. Ediciones Universidad Católica del Maule. 1a Edición. 2017. ISBN: 978-956-7576-89-0

Capítulos de Libros

  • A. Núñez,M. Miranda,B. Severín, L. Salinas. Neurorehabiliación Neonatal en: Neonatología. José Luis Tapia, Alvaro González M. (eds). Santiago de Chile, Editorial Mediterráneo 2018.

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